New AI Writing Statistics: How it Impacts Romance Genre


AI writing is transforming the writing industry in unimaginable ways, especially in the creation of fictional, creative, and informative content.

But how is this trend impacting the romance genre?

Join me as I explore the latest AI writing statistics and analyze its effects on romance writing.

Top AI Writing Statistics in Romance

  • Over 100 million Americans use generative AI at least once each month.
  • 67% of publishers use AI tools to get recommendations for or write new stories.
  • 39% of all adults and 45% of men globally use AI to generate love letters.
  • Nearly 69% of adults are unable to differentiate between AI and human-written content.
  • 65% of readers prefer AI-written poems over human-written poems.
  • 74% of writers in North America, Africa, and South America feel that AI has increased their creativity.
  • 64.47% of writers say that AI will replace human writers.

How Many People Use AI Writing Tools?

A recent survey shows that approximately 250 million people were using AI tools globally in 2023.

That number was nearly double from 2020.

Bar chart depicting the global growth in AI tools usage, from 125 million users in 2020 to 250 million users in 2023, a 100% increase.

An interesting fact is that almost 140 million people use ChatGPT each month. It shows that many people are using AI tools to generate text-based content.

Additionally, nearly 100.1 million Americans use generative AI each month.

A breakdown of this data shows that 35% of American employees use generative AI each week, and about 11% report using it daily.

Here’s a look at Generative AI Usage among Americans

Pie chart showing the breakdown of generative AI usage among Americans: 11% daily users, 35% weekly users, and 54% others.

These data might not be exclusively for AI writing, but they show an upward trend in the adoption of AI.

These statistics indicate that Artificial Intelligence is becoming part of many people’s daily routines.

Sources: Statista, Backlinko

Use of AI in Romance Content Creation

A survey indicates that over 85% of AI users use this technology for article writing and content creation.

Moreover, 67% of publishers rely on AI to generate recommendations or craft entirely new stories.

Here’s a quick look at how book authors use AI.

UsePercentage (%)
Grammar tool47
Brainstorm characters and plot ideas29
Creating structure and drafts14
Creating entire text7
Marketing the content26

Is romance storytelling following a similar trend?

Data on the exact number of pieces of romance content created using AI is fragmented. However, available information shows an increased use of this technology for romance content.

In fact, 39% of all adults and 45% of men globally used AI to compose love letters on Valentine’s in 2024.

This number was an increase from the previous year, as 26% of all adults and 30% of men used AI tools to create romantic content in 2023.

Bar chart comparing AI usage for composing love letters in 2023 and 2024, showing a significant increase for both all adults and men.

Many people use AI to generate content on love topics because of its powerful algorithms and ability to produce human-like content.

Interestingly, 69% or two-thirds of adults couldn’t distinguish between AI-generated and human-written romance content.

The patterns of how authors use AI for content production show an interesting trend where romantic authors increasingly depend on AI.

However, the level of dependence on AI varies among writers.

A study showed that 53% of respondents make minor edits to AI-generated text before publishing it, while 39% indicated they make significant edits.

Only 5% completely change the AI-generated text before publishing it.

Pie chart showing how writers edit AI text in 2023 survey (53% minor edits, 39% significant edits, 5% complete change, 3% other).

Despite the increased use of AI in writing love stories, there are some concerns.

Notably, 65% of AI users expressed concerns about the potential inaccuracies in 2023.

As AI continues to evolve and address these concerns, it’s no surprise that more writers are embracing this technology, and readers are finding it increasingly difficult to differentiate between AI-generated and human-written content.

Sources: Cloudwards, Marketsplash, Yahoo Finance, Mcafee, Statista

Romance Writers are Benefiting from AI

Statistics show that 64%, or 6 in 10 individuals who use generative AI, have improved their productivity. This boost is particularly beneficial for romance writers striving to be more efficient.

77% of writers say that the quality of their work has improved because of using AI.

This positive sentiment varies by region, with nearly 81% of AI users in North America, South America, and Europe finding AI highly beneficial for their content creation efforts.

A Doughnut Chart showing that 77% of Writers Report AI Improved Their Work

Among these users, 56% noted an improvement in the quality of their creative work thanks to AI, though a small fraction—6%—felt that AI had lowered the quality of their writing.

Improved quality also means the ability to decrease human errors.

You can use AI to reduce errors that occur during the writing process, whether you’re drafting, paraphrasing, shortening, or generating complete love stories.

74% of writers across North America, Africa, and South America feel that AI has increased their creativity, allowing them to generate romance stories with more creative plots, characters, and descriptive language.

70% of writers are willing to produce all their content using AI tools.

These writers trust AI’s ability to generate high-quality, creative content, freeing them to focus on other aspects like making their narratives more emotionally compelling.

Chart showing 70% of writers are willing to create all content using AI tools. Visualizes writer adoption of AI writing assistants.

However, the survey also revealed that 54% of writers express concerns about security and privacy when using AI tools.

Some are sceptical of AI’s ability to adequately safeguard sensitive information.

Source:  Backlinko, Spinbot

Romance Readers Preference

Data revealed that about 65% of people believe that AI-generated content is similar to or even better than human-written text.

This suggests that romance readers view AI-produced text as high-quality and not inferior to human-authored content.

Interestingly, a survey found that 65% of readers preferred AI-written content over a human-written poem. While this result might be an outlier, it does indicate that many people appreciate AI-generated content.

Additionally, 7 out of 10 people view AI-generated romance content as better than the text they write manually.

The data show that some romance readers prefer to read AI-generated content over their own original writing.

In fact, a study involving writers from 53 countries found that about 40% of people have mistaken AI-generated text for human writing.

Pie chart showing 40% of people mistake AI-generated text for human writing, highlighting how advanced AI writing has become.

This highlights how human-like AI writing has become, to the extent that it is indistinguishable from manual writing, even for experienced writers globally.

Sources: Cloudward, McAfee

Impact on Traditional Publishing

Almost 70% of writers in one survey agreed that AI has revolutionized content creation. This suggests writers are increasingly moving away from relying solely on traditional publishing methods.

Here’s a look at the use of AI by publishers.

Level of use for new storiesPercentage (%)
Huge reliance or heavy use5
Little use23
Use for experimentation39
Not using these tools27

The data shows that while only a small percentage of publishers currently rely heavily on AI writing tools, a significant portion (39%) are using them experimentally.

AI writing assistance could soon transition to mainstream use as these experimental users become more comfortable with the technology.

This shift poses a challenge for traditional publishers who do not adopt AI writing capabilities.

Those who fail to embrace the AI revolution risk losing market share to newer, AI-driven publishers and content creators.

Sources: Spinbot, Marketsplash

The Future of Romance and AI

The romance fiction genre experienced a remarkable surge in 2023, with sales in the US skyrocketing by 52.4%.

This upsurge is expected to continue as more and more people embrace fictional romance content.

Data reveals that the generative AI market was projected to expand from $40 billion in 2022 to a staggering $1.3 trillion in 2023.

This substantial growth implies a skyrocketing adoption of AI writing tools, leading to a massive increase in AI-generated and AI-assisted content across various industries, including the romance fiction sector.

By 2030, more than 700 million people are expected to be utilizing these AI tools.

AI will become a mainstream component in the writing industry, potentially revolutionizing how authors create and publish their works.

While Helen Hoang, the renowned US-based author of bestselling romance novels, believes that authors will use AI to streamline their writing process, she remains confident that AI will not replace human writers.

However, statistics suggest otherwise.

Approximately 64.47% of writers said that AI will replace human writers.

Horizontal bar chart showing 64.47% of writers believe AI will replace human writers, highlighting concerns about AI's impact on the writing industry

In another survey, 81% of marketing experts indicated that AI will replace human writing in the future.

These Data reveal a potential shift towards AI-driven content production, with many romance writers likely to rely on AI tools to aid in their creative process.

A study showed that 46% of content marketers globally are willing to use AI-generated content, provided it is original.

Another 35% of the content creators are ready to use these tools if they are flexible.

Flexibility for writers is the ability of AI to write in the author’s tone, convey empathy, and generate content that engages the reader.

As AI writing becomes more adaptable to generate engaging romance stories, more writers will adopt it, potentially challenging the notion that AI cannot replace human authors.

Sources: BBC, Cloudwards, Statista, Spinbot

The change in Romance Writing is Inevitable

Data confirmed that AI writing is becoming mainstream for content writers in every genre.

The romance genre has not been left out, as many authors use AI tools to create plots and characters, improve grammar and creativity, or even write an entire story.

The above statistics offer valuable insights into how readers perceive AI-generated content, with some unable to distinguish it from human writing.

This shows how AI writing will continue to transform how romance writers produce content and how readers engage with it.

While some writers fear AI might replace them, embracing this technology is crucial to staying relevant in the future of romance writing.

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