The 9 Best AI Writing Tools for Romance Novelists

Featured Image. Best AI Writing Tools for Romance Novelists

As a romance writer, you aim to craft engaging love stories that captivate readers’ hearts and souls.

But let’s be honest- sometimes, words just won’t flow, making it challenging to craft the perfect plot.

That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools come into play.

They can generate story ideas, craft complex characters with rich backstories, and even produce entire scenes or chapters for your novel.

I’ll explore the best AI writing tools for romance novelists and break down each tool’s functionalities, strengths, and weaknesses to help you find the perfect one for your next love story.

I’ll share my personal experiences and insights on how each tool can assist you in different aspects of your writing journey.

What Are the Best AI Writing Tools for Romance Novelists?

1. Sudowrite

Alt text: Soduwrite Homepage: AI writing tool for novelists, promotes creative descriptions

For years, I have considered Sudowrite among the top AI writing tools for romance writers, as it has features like storyboarding, character development, and revision tools tailored to crafting narratives.

This AI tool helps you brainstorm ideas, outline your plot, flesh out characters, and create your entire novels in stages.

You can generate prose from a scene description, get suggestions for sentence improvement, or let the AI write freely with your guidance.

I like the powerful Sudowrite’s Story Bible feature, as it helps me plan and structure my task, ensuring my characters, plot, and setting work together to create a captivating love story.

Image showcasing various Sudowrite features such as Braindump, Genre, Style, Synopsis, Characters, that aim to generate compelling entire live stories.

Key Features and Pros

  • Braindump: This is a text box that allows you to write down everything you know about the story you want to come up with, like plot, characters, theme, or snippets of dialogue. The AI will then use that information as a guideline to tailor its suggestions to your specific story.
  • Genre: This text box allows you to specify the genre and subgenres of your novel. You can type in “Romance” or “Love Story” in the Genre text box, allowing the AI to tailor its suggestions and ideas to fit the themes, tropes, and emotional beats that are common in these genres.
  • Style: This lets you communicate your preferred writing style directly to the AI, ensuring you get the kind of prose you want for your romance novel. For example, you can tell the tool to focus on sensory description or use long sentences or lots of dialogue.
  • Synopsis: Based on the information you put in the Braindump, Genre, and Style sections, this AI book writing software will break down your romance novel into key story beats, ensuring your plot has a clear structure that keeps readers engaged. This feature lets you describe the emotional journey your characters will take throughout the story.
  • Characters: Use this feature to generate characters based on the information in Braindump and Synopsis.
  • Outline: This feature generates the outline of your novel in Acts and Chapter form, specifying what each chapter entails.
  • Rewrite: This feature rephrases sentences or paragraphs, transforming them into more refined, clearer, and engaging ways that better convey your intended message.


  • Accuracy: While Sudowrite can generate entire chapters, the output may not always be accurate or consistent with your story’s plot, characters, or setting, requiring you to fact-check everything.
  • Originality concerns: Some fiction writers may worry that using an AI software tool like Sudowrite could lead to a loss of originality in their work.
  • Cost: Depending on your budget and writing needs, you’ll want to consider the costs against the benefits to determine if it’s the right investment for you.


Sudowrite offers tiered pricing plans starting at $10/month with varying AI credit allotments.
  • Hobby & Student: $10/mo for 225,000 AI credits/mo.
  • Professional: $22/mo for 1,000,000 AI credits/mo.
  • Max: $44/mo for 2,000,000 AI credits/mo.


Sudowrite is a valuable tool for fiction authors, offering features for brainstorming, character development, and crafting a captivating plot.

2. NovelCrafter

Novelcrafter homepage showcasing their AI writing software's interface

Although NovelCrafter is a newer AI novel writing software compared to other popular ones, I think it is the most optimized tool for fiction romance writing.

It offers features specifically designed to spark fresh ideas and help you brainstorm plot twists and character development.

I like how NovelCrafter learns my writing style as I create and edit my story beat-by-beat.

The more I use it, the more it generates content that sounds more like me, allowing me to spend less time fixing up each new part of the story it writes.

Moreover, NovelCrafter allows you to connect to various AI models from different vendors, giving you the flexibility to choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Whether you prefer using powerful models like GPT-3 and GPT-4 from OpenAI, or more affordable options from OpenRouter and Anyscale Endpoints, NovelCrafter has got you covered.

You can even run AI models locally on your own hardware, saving on API usage costs.

Key Features and Pros

  • Codex: This allows you to store and organize information about your story’s characters, locations, and other elements. It helps maintain consistency by allowing the AI to automatically detect and reference these entries in the writing process, providing quick access to the stored details when needed.
  • Revision History: This feature automatically saves your work at regular intervals, ensuring that your progress is never lost. It also allows you to review earlier versions of your writing and even restore deleted bits and pieces if needed.
  • Model Comparison Tool: A built-in tool that allows you to compare outputs from different AI models for the same prompt or story element. This would help you decide which model works best for your specific needs.
  • Custom Prompts: NovelCrafter allows you to create your own prompts for the AI to use, giving you full control over the type of prose generated. You can create custom prompts for various actions, such as completing scene beats, replacing text, and even chatting with tinker assistants to brainstorm ideas and develop your characters.
  • Plan Section: This allows you to organize your love novel by adding acts and chapters, either manually or using preset outlines. You can easily add scene synopses, create multiple scenes within a chapter, and rearrange acts, chapters, and scenes to fine-tune your story’s flow.


  • External AI Integration: To leverage the full potential of AI writing assistance, you need to connect Novel Crafter with external AI models, which often come with additional costs depending on the chosen vendor and usage level.
  • Learning Curve: Getting comfortable with the interface and learning how to best utilize the AI features for your specific needs might take some time.
  • Finding the Right Voice: You’ll still need to edit and revise the AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your unique voice and vision of the story.


Novelcrafter AI writing tool pricing - Scribe $4/mo, Hobbyist $8/mo with AI option, Artisan $14/mo with workshops, Specialist $20/mo for collaboration.

NovelCrafter offers these pricing plans, whereby you get a 14-day free trial on every plan

  • Scribe: $4/mo
  • Hobbyist: $8/mo
  • Artisan: $14/mo
  • Specialist: $20/mo


NovelCrafter can be a valuable AI storytelling assistant for romance novelists, offering features to spark inspiration, develop characters, craft engaging dialogue, and overcome writer’s block.

3. Claude

Claude homepage showcasing its AI assistant's tagline "Spark your creativity with Claude" and options to start using it by entering an email or signing in with Google.

Claude is a large language model (LLM), trained on a massive dataset of text and code.

This AI text generator is smart at suggesting story ideas and plot twists, helping you create well-rounded characters with believable motivations, personalities, and backstories.

What makes this model special is its ability to provide a much more natural-sounding language than other models like Chatgpt.

Additionally, it is capable of understanding and working with very large and detailed prompts and directions, allowing you to easily generate book chapters, all written in a natural, engaging style.

As of this writing, Claude offers three model options that you can interchange based on your priorities, needs, and usage: Claude 3 Opus (most intelligent), Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Haiku.

Claude AI offers three model options - Claude 3 Opus as the most intelligent, Claude 3 Sonnet balancing speed and capabilities, and Claude 3 Haiku as the fastest model.

Key Features and Pros

  • Creativity: Claude is smart at generating creative prompts and ideas. This can help overcome writer’s block or develop unique story elements for your romance.
  • Natural Language Generation: Claude excels at generating human-quality text, which could help craft realistic dialogue and narrative flow in your romance story.
  • Character Development: You can provide details about your characters, and Claude can help flesh them out, including their motivations and backstories.
  • Worldbuilding: For stories set in unique locations or time periods, Claude can assist with research to help vividly describe settings, culture, fashion, etc.
  • Editing Feedback: It can provide feedback on drafts, pointing out areas that are working well and opportunities to strengthen things like pacing, character arcs, emotional resonance, etc.


  • Limited Romance Functionality: Claude is not specifically designed for love stories with romantic themes and might not be the best tool for directly generating romantic scenes.
  • Tendency to Follow Patterns: Like other AI models, Claude might tend to follow common tropes, clichés, or patterns found in romance literature. This could lead to stories feeling formulaic or predictable at times.
  • Human Editing and Guidance: The output still requires human editing, fact-checking, and guidance to ensure the final product meets your vision and standards.


Claude Pro is $20/mo


Claude can be a valuable tool for romance writers, offering creativity, natural language generation, and character development assistance. Just remember that you’re the real storyteller, and Claude is not a replacement for your human creativity, but a facilitator to generate a first draft.

4. Jasper

Jasper AI writing assistant with features like story idea generation and dialogue writing for romance novelists

Jasper is an AI writing assistant that can be a valuable tool for romance novelists, even if it’s not solely focused on this genre.

I’ve found it helpful for various aspects of the writing process, from brainstorming ideas to developing characters and crafting engaging scenes.

What I like about Jasper is that it offers a wide range of templates and recipes designed specifically for fiction writing.

These templates can guide you through different tasks, making it easier to generate content that fits your story’s needs.

Key Features and Pros

  • Creative Story: This feature helps you generate engaging and imaginative stories based on your input, such as genre, characters, setting, and tone of voice.
  • Content Improver: This takes your existing text and suggests different phrasings, sentence structures, and alternative word choices, making your writing more captivating for readers.
  • Paragraph Generator. Provide a starting sentence or a brief description of the scene you want to develop, and let Jasper suggest potential continuations, helping you overcome writer’s block.
  • Jasper Everywhere Extension: This helps you access Jasper’s features directly within your web browser, wherever you’re writing. This makes it easy to improve existing text or brainstorm ideas right on the spot.
  • Dialogue Generation: Crafting natural, engaging dialogue is crucial for any romance novel, and Jasper’s dialogue generation capabilities can be a huge help.


  • Short-form content generation: Jasper may not be the best choice if you want to write a whole chapter at once or a complete romance novel.
  • Learning Curve: It might take some practice to prompt Jasper in a way that generates content that perfectly aligns with your writing needs.
  • Originality and Voice: Jasper doesn’t replace your unique writing voice. The romantic tone and emotional depth of your story will ultimately come from you.


Alt text: An image showcasing Jasper's pricing page. Creator ($39 per month/seat) and Pro ($59 per month/seat).
  • Creator: $39/mo/seat
  • Pro: $59/mo/seat
  • Business: Custome Quote


Jasper’s versatile templates and features that help with brainstorming, character development, and crafting engaging dialogue make it a valuable tool for romance writers.

5. Rytr

Rytr homepage: AI writing assistant with features like content generation, writing templates, and various use cases for marketing, romance fiction writing, and personal projects.

Rytr is an AI writing tool that offers various features to assist you in different stages of your creative process, like generating ideas, creating outlines, and writing snippets of dialogue.

One thing I like about Rytr is its ability to understand context and maintain consistency throughout your story.

It can also adapt to different writing styles, so you can get suggestions that match your unique voice.

Key Features and Pros

  • User-Friendly Interface: It has an easy-to-navigate interface, allowing you to use it without difficulties, even if you’re new to AI writing tools.
  • Content Improver: You can paste your existing writing into Rytr, and it will suggest improvements to your phrasing, sentence structure, and word choice. This can be especially useful for polishing those dialogue exchanges between your characters.
  • AI-powered Story Starters: Simply provide a few details about your romance plot or characters, and Rytr can generate creative prompts to get you started.
  • Brainstorming and Idea Generation: It helps you generate fresh ideas for scenes, plot twists, or even character names.
  • Tone and Language Customization: Rytr allows you to choose the tone and language style for your writing, which can be particularly useful when crafting emotional scenes or intimate dialogue in your romance novel.
  • Character Development: Give this AI novel writer some details about your character’s appearance or goals, and it will develop your characters’ personalities, motivations, and backstories.
  • Dialogue Prompts: This feature provides prompts and suggestions to help craft natural-sounding conversations for your characters.
Rytr AI writing tool generating a romance story plot and dialogue example


  • Limited Depth and Control: You’ll likely need to edit and expand on the AI’s suggestions to make them fit seamlessly into your story.
  • Accuracy and Consistency: Double-checking the factuality of information Rytr generates, especially for historical romances, remains your responsibility.


Rytr pricing plans. Free plan offers 10,000 characters/mo, Unlimited plan offers unlimited characters, and Premium plan offers unlimited characters, multiple tone of voice options, and writing in 35+ languages.
  • Free ($0) – 10,000 characters/mo
  • Unlimited ($7.50/mo) – Unlimited AI Content Generation and one-tone match.
  • Premium ($24.16/mo) – Unlimited AI Content Generation, Multiple Tone Match, and 35+ languages.


 Rytr is a valuable tool for generating ideas, creating outlines, and crafting engaging scenes for love stories. Just guide it to ensure the output aligns with your vision.

6. ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT Plus interface showcasing its AI assistant, useful for story prompts, dialogue generation, and content improvement.

ChatGPT Plus offers a wider range of features that can be valuable for romance novelists, such as story prompts, dialogue generation, and content improvement.

It acts as a multi-model, meaning it does not only generate content but also creates beautiful images for your romance novels.

I prefer GPT-4 to GPT-3.5 as it offers a more accurate, detailed, and higher-quality output.

To get the best results from ChatGPT, I start by generating a small piece of text, such as a paragraph or a few sentences related to my book’s topic.

I then ask the AI to expand it, one step at a time, while continuously refining and improving the content. I repeat the same process until I have a complete section or chapter.

Key Feature and Pros

  • Brainstorming Ideas: Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part! Just give the ChatGPT some keywords about your characters, setting, or even a genre trope you want to explore, and it will generate fresh ideas for your love story.
  • Synopsis: By providing the AI with key information about your story, such as the main characters, their goals, conflicts, and the central theme, it can generate a detailed summary of your plot.
  • Custom Instructions: You can give ChatGPT specific guidelines to follow when generating various parts of your romance novel. You may guide it to write in a conversational writing style, friendly tone, or third-person perspective.
  • Plot Outlining: ChatGPT is skilled in creating summaries of your story, ensuring they include all the important parts and chapters per the synopsis.
  • Beats: You can provide ChatGPT Plus with a brief description of the desired beat, and it can create a detailed scene or passage that fits seamlessly into your love story.
  • Content Improver: Let’s say you have a scene written but feel the dialogue or descriptions could be stronger. ChatGPT Plus can analyze your existing text and suggest improvements to phrasing, sentence structure, and word choice.


  • Limited Control over Long-Form Content: ChatGPT might not be ideal for crafting entire chapters.
  • Accuracy and Consistency: You’ll need to carefully review and edit the AI’s output to ensure it aligns with your plot and setting.
  • Skilled Prompting: Since ChatGPT is not optimized for fiction writing, you have to be good at giving it clear instructions/prompts to generate the desired content.


ChatGPT pricing plans - Free offers unlimited messages and GPT-3.5 model access. Plus is $20/month with GPT-4, browsing tools, and data analysis. Team is $25 per person/month with higher GPT-4 limits, workspace sharing, and admin console.
  • Free ($0/mo) – Unlimited messages and access to the GPT-3.5 model.
  • Plus ($20/mo) – Everything in the Free Plan, access to GPT-4, and create and use GPTs.
  • Team ($25/mo) – Everything in Plus, and additional tools like DALL-E and Advanced Data Analysis.


ChatGPT Plus can be a helpful brainstorming tool for sparking fresh ideas, crafting dialogue, and improving your writing, as long as you’re comfortable prompting it effectively.

7. TextCortex

TextCortex homepage showcasing their AI writing software's interface with the tagline "One AI copilot that truly gets you" and options to get started for free or request a demo.

Although TextCortex isn’t solely made for love stories, it is a powerful AI writer that can help you in various parts of your writing.

It comes with a variety of templates designed for different writing tasks, making it helpful especially when you get stuck on a particular part of your story.

It can help you brainstorm ideas, expand on your thoughts, and refine your sentences to better convey the feelings and atmosphere you’re aiming for in your romance novel.

TextCortex offers various AI-powered writing templates like Essay Extender to lengthen essays, Writing Improver to fix grammar, Email Responder to generate email replies, Article Rewriter for rewriting content, Essay Checker for plagiarism, and Essay Writer to generate unique essays.

Key Features and Pros

  • Browser Extension: This brings TextCortex functionalities directly into your web browser, ensuring you easily access and use editing features in various parts of your writing.
  • Rewrite: Just highlight a section of your writing, and TextCortex will analyze it and suggest alternative improved phrasings to enhance clarity and flow.
  • Expand: This option allows you to highlight a sentence or a short paragraph, and then TextCortex builds on top of it, making it bigger and more meaningful.
  • Translate: This feature allows you to effortlessly convert your romance novels into various languages, making it easy to share your love stories with a global audience and significantly expand your reach as an author.
  • Tone of Voice: It comes with different tone styles that you can choose from, making it easy to create the perfect emotional atmosphere and provide a more engaging experience for your readers.


  • Focus on Short-form Content: TextCortex might not be the best choice for crafting entire chapters.
  • Human Touch Still Needed: You still have to edit the suggestions to make them fit seamlessly into your story and capture the emotions you want to convey.
  • Not Specifically Designed for Romance: Some of the templates or suggestions may not always align perfectly with the unique needs of the romance genre.


TextCortex AI writing tool pricing - Free plan offers 20 daily creations, Premium $23.99/mo for 1000 creations and 300MB storage, Enterprise plan available with advanced privacy and security.
  • Free ($0) – 20 daily creations
  • Premium ($23.99/mo) – 1000 creations & 300 MB storage
  • Enterprise – Custom Quote


By understanding its strengths and weaknesses, TextCortex can help you overcome writer’s block, generate fresh ideas, and enhance your writing process.

8. WriteSonic

Writesonic's Generative AI Platform offering tools like AI Story Generator, Tone Control for emotional scenes, and AI Art Generator that could aid romance novelists with content creation, setting the right mood, and visualizing characters/settings.

WriteSonic is an AI-powered writing assistant tool that can help you generate content for various purposes, like blog posts, social media posts, product descriptions, and of course, love stories.

It offers features designed to help you develop intriguing plots, craft engaging characters, and write compelling dialogue.

Powered by advanced AI algorithms trained on a wide range of literature, WriteSonic can effectively understand your prompts, allowing it to provide suggestions and ideas relevant to your romance writing.

Whether you’re stuck on a plot point, need inspiration for a new character, or want to refine your story’s pacing, Writesonic has tools to assist you.

Key Features and Pros

  • AI-powered Story Generator: With just a few clicks, you can generate unique and engaging story ideas that will captivate your readers from start to finish.
  • Content Rephrasing and Editing: This feature can help you rewrite sentences for better clarity and flow, and generate 100% unique and plagiarism-free content.
  • Long-form Content Generation: This allows you to generate longer pieces of writing, making it suitable for crafting extended scenes in your romance novel.
  • Sentence Expander: This tool can instantly expand your sentences, providing more context, sensory details, or emotional nuance.
  • AI Art Generator: It can generate unique images tailored to your love story, which is a perfect way to avoid using generic stock images.
  • AI-powered Tone Control: Writesonic allows you to specify the desired tone for your generated content, ensuring it aligns with the mood you want to create in a particular scene.


  • Learning Curve: You’ll need to experiment with different prompts and features to discover what works best for your writing style and the specific needs of your romance novel.
  • Limited Control Over Long-Form Content: While Writesonic offers long-form content creation, it might not be ideal for crafting entire chapters from scratch.
  • Emotional Depth: As a romance writer, you’ll still need to infuse your own understanding of love, relationships, and emotional nuance into your story.


Writesonic pricing plans - Free plan offers 25 credits, Chatsonic $12/mo for AI chatbot, Individual $16/mo for freelancers, Standard $79/mo for small teams with 1,000 credits and 2 members, covering content creation, SEO, and AI tools useful for romance writing.

Writesonic offers a free plan, which includes 25 credits, to help you familiarize yourself with the tool. Other plans include:

  • Chatsonic: $12/mo
  • Individual: $16/mo
  • Standard: $79/mo


While Writesonic may not replace the emotional depth and nuance that human writers bring to their stories, it can be a powerful AI-powered tool for brainstorming, overcoming writer’s block, and enhancing the overall writing process.

If you’re a romance writer looking for an AI writing tool to help with your creative process, is worth considering.

9. Copy AI homepage. It offers brainstorming tools, a dialogue generator, and content rewriting features that can assist romance novelists in their creative writing process, despite being primarily marketed for marketing content.

While it’s primarily designed for marketing and content creation, I’ve found that many of its features can be easily adapted to help with writing love stories. offers a range of tools that can assist you in various aspects of your writing, like brainstorming ideas, developing characters, polishing your prose, and crafting engaging dialogue.

What I appreciate about is its user-friendly interface and the variety of templates available.

You can easily navigate through the platform and find the tools that best suit your romance writing projects.

Key Features and Pros

  • Brainstorming tools: offers various templates and prompts to help generate ideas for characters, plot points, and scenes.
  • Dialogue generator: This tool can help create engaging, natural-sounding conversations between your characters.
  • Content rewriter: If you need to rephrase or improve sections of your writing,’s rewriting tool can suggest alternative ways to express your ideas.
  • Writing templates: provides a range of writing templates that can be customized for different genres and styles, including romance.
  • Tone Adjustment: allows you to specify the desired tone for your writing, whether it’s passionate, tender, suspenseful, or any other mood that fits your romance story.
  • Scene Outline Tool: By inputting key details about your characters, setting, and desired outcome, the tool can generate a rough outline to guide your writing.


  • Generic Suggestions: Although’s AI algorithms are impressive, they may sometimes generate content that feels generic or clichéd.
  • Limited Emotional Depth: It may struggle to capture the nuances and depth of human emotions. You’ll need to inject your own understanding of love and relationships into your story to create a truly compelling narrative.
  • Inconsistency: As with any AI tool,’s outputs may not always be consistent with your story’s plot, characters, or tone.


An image showcasing's pricing page. Free ($0) - 1 seat, 2,000 words in chat, 200 bonus credits. Pro ($36 per month/seat) - 5 seats, unlimited chat, 500 workflow credits per month. Team ($186 per month) - 20 seats, unlimited chat, 3,000 workflow credits per month.

It offers a free plan, helping you navigate the various parts of the tool and understand it better before you choose the right paid plan for you.

Other pricing options include:

  • Pro: $36/mo
  • Team: $186/mo
  • Enterprise: Custome Quote


It can help you brainstorm ideas, overcome writer’s block, craft engaging dialogue, refine your writing, and structure different parts of your love story. This allows you to focus on what matters most – developing the emotional core of your characters and their captivating romance.

Conclusion: Boost Your Romance Fiction with AI-Powered Writing Assistants

When choosing an AI companion for your romance writing, consider which parts of the process you want help with.

  • Do you need inspiration for story ideas and characters?
  • Help fleshing out scenes and dialogue?
  • Sentence-level rewriting and polishing?
  • An organized workspace for larger projects?

Tools like Sudowrite and NovelCrafter offer end-to-end novel planning and writing assistance, while others like Claude and ChatGPT are better for freeform brainstorming.

Apps focused on web copy, like Writesonic and Copy.AI, have some overlap with fiction but are less optimized for it.

Whichever AI writing software you choose, remember that you are the storyteller, and your taste, imagination, and narrative instincts should always guide the final output.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does an AI writing assistant work for generating story ideas?

AI writing tools use your prompts to create story ideas. They draw from vast databases to combine concepts in new ways, helping you brainstorm fresh possibilities.

Do I still need to edit and revise after using an AI writing tool?

Yes. Although AI writing tools can write grammatically correct sentences, always review and refine the output. Think of it as a starting point. You’ll need to add your personal touch and ensure it fits your story seamlessly.

How do I prevent AI output from sounding too generic or cliched?

Provide detailed, unique prompts to guide the AI. The more specific you are about your characters, setting, and plot, the more tailored the output will be to your vision.

How do I choose the right AI writing tool for me?

You should consider your writing needs and budget. Some tools focus on brainstorming and outlining, while others excel at crafting prose. Many offer free trials, so experiment to find your ideal match!

Do I need to pay for an AI writing assistant?

Many AI writing tools offer free plans with limited features, while paid plans have more advanced capabilities. Assess which features you need and choose a plan that fits your budget.

Is it cheating to use AI for writing a romance novel?

Not at all! AI is simply a tool to enhance your writing process. It can inspire ideas and provide suggestions, but your creativity and authorship remain at the heart of your work.

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