Your privacy is our priority when you visit our website, We use the term “personal information” to refer to the data we may collect that, directly or indirectly, describe, identify, relate to, or be associated with you. The term “you” refers to anyone who visits, views the website, or/and uses any Product.

This Privacy Policy will provide you with information on the personal data we collect and how we collect, use, and share your data when you visit

In this Privacy Policy:

  • A child is a person under the age of 18 years.
  • Personal data engrosses private information related to a data subject.

Children’s Privacy.

Our website follows the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA). We focus on collecting data from persons above 18 years, and parental or guardian consent is needed to collect data from minors. As part of safeguarding and mitigation, our website provides contact information ( where guardians can raise concerns if a minor’s data has been wrongly collected.


The website may collect your comments about products or services offered on social media, newsletters, and any other information you may provide, such as your name, email address, phone number, address, and credit card information when purchasing on the website.

This information is collected when you register on the site, place an order, subscribe to a newsletter, contact us, use the search feature on the website, provide comments or any other feedback, fill out a form, use the live chat, or enter any other information on the website to communicate with us. From time to time, we may also collect information that you submit when you participate in any online surveys that we may post on our website.

The collected information may help the website understand critical information about your behavior on the page and possible improvements. Additionally, we may share your collected information with our partners (coverage later in this Privacy Policy).

Like other websites, this website automatically collects certain information about you through Log Data and Google Analytics. Log Data is information about your computer’s Internet Protocol Address, which is your “IP” address, browser information, Internet Service Provider’s information, your operating system, and your browser type. Similarly, Google Analytics collects certain information about your location, browsing history, the pages you visit, the equipment you used to access the website, traffic patterns, and other general patterns related to your use of the website.

This information is used to analyze website statistics related to user behavior and interests, improve our performance and your use of the website, and to further enhance our products and services offered to you.



When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service Privacy Policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.

If you visit our website and make any comments, we may retain the metadata. The move would be useful for the recognition and approval of any of your follow-up comments. Commenting will be automatic the next time you contribute to a topic on the website. However, will not share this information with a third party, instead using the information to improve engagement with you.

You should be aware that your popular social media platforms might track your personal information. Therefore, when interacting with via social media, you may be exposing your personal information to the public. We will not be liable for the misuse of this data.


The collection of data using cookies may be a significant and popular approach to any website. Cookies are small text files your computer sends whenever you visit a website. Websites may use this approach to collect your personal details within the stipulated privacy law.

If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address, and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.

Just like other websites, we automatically collect some non-personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your IP address, geographic location, language preference, date, and time of visitors.

We may use cookies for several reasons. We may use cookies to effect major improvements that would make the website user-friendly. Besides, the website may use cookies to remember your preferences to ease your operations. Furthermore, we may use cookies to determine user activities and website performances. Overall, cookies are crucial as they enable us to recognize your presence, send marketing messages, and improve your overall experience when you visit our website.  

Web Beacons & Pixels.

Web beacons and pixels are other approaches we may use to collect your data. We could use social media pixels to understand your activities on social media. Since you spend a significant amount of time on these digital media platforms, they could collect data that would be helpful for marketing purposes, target advertisement, and evaluating conversion rates. Given that we host advertisement links, your personal data may be critical in boosting the success of our associates.

Social media’s web beacons and pixels may help advertise our websites on your favorite platforms. For example, when you visit the website and then switch to Facebook, web beacons and pixels may redirect ads so that you can see our services. Pixel tags, web bugs, and clear GIFs have been helping third parties collect data. These advertising groups may track your general behavior to improve their advertising practices. For example, these web beacons may track the times you visit a website to tailor their advertising practices


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.

How WE Use Your Information.

  • Predict your Preferences: This website may use your personal information to predict your possible preferences. The website assumes that your historical information provides hints about your legitimate interests.
  • Tailor-made Advertisement: The website may use your personal information to improve advertisements.
  • Establish direct communication: Our website may collect your data to establish direct communication concerning our products and complaints. The website may collect your data to communicate how we can improve products. The data may also help us to send marketing emails about product features and other changes.

Embedded content from other websites.

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Third-Party Links and Use.

Third-party links may be part of services you may encounter when you visit However, certain conditions play out, which you must consider when using our website. The website privacy laws may bind you as long as you remain on our website. However, in any case, if you click third-party links and they take you to their page, our privacy protection ceases. We may use Google Analytics to evaluate our web performances by collecting your eligible personal data protected under Google Privacy and Terms. Besides, we may use Google AdSense advertising and any other third-party advertising on the website. However, a third party like Google understands the importance and the sensitivity of using cookies to collect your data. Accordingly, the Google Analytics opt-out Browser Add-on allows you to stop the system’s cookies from collecting your personal details. We have no control over the actions of these third-party links whenever they collect or use your personal data. The website recommends that you contact these third parties to understand their privacy policies. As a disclaimer, you may click these third-party links at your own risk.

Disclosure of your Information.

As a general rule, we do not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent, with the exception of the following circumstances:

  1. We may disclose your information to our trusted third parties that work with us, such as our website hosting partners, email marketing service provider, other service providers that assist in the operation of the website, and any other affiliates and subsidiaries we rely upon to provide you products and services offered here.
  2. We may disclose your information in order to comply with state or federal regulations related to copyright infringement lawsuits or any other legal claims related to the website.
  3. We may disclose your information to our successor and/or acquiring party in the event of a merger, acquisition, restructuring, dissolution or partial sale in the future. However, your personal information will be transferred to the acquiring party in accordance with this privacy policy.

Email Marketing.

We may be engaging with you through email marketing. By subscribing and opting into this service, you permit updates, newsletters, messages, and promotional materials related to The website reminds you that when we engage you using emails, we may save your address and responses. However, you must be aware that we will not share your email address or information with third parties unless with exceptions stated in this Privacy Policy.


When you opt-in to email marketing, you will be receiving updates, but you can select to opt-out. We provide an option to opt-out at the end of every email marketing message we send you. The “unsubscribe” button would prevent you from receiving email marketing information in the future. You may also select to contact us if the unsubscribe option does not work (on rare occasions). However, in case you have been receiving third-party email marketing information, you should contact them about opting out.

How We Protect Your Data.

We are keen to protect your personal information as a visitor to our website through efforts such as physical, technical, and procedural safeguards. However, the website understands that cyber activities may face several setbacks that demand your collaboration as well as existing policies to offer maximum protection. Therefore, as a user of our services, be aware there is no 100% security of your data. By granting consent to this Privacy Policy, you agree that we may fail to protect your data from misuse by third parties.

For instance, when you submit your personal details voluntarily and automatically during a credit card purchase through our website, we do not store your data. This information may be directed to the third-party vendor to complete the transaction. By using our website to make such a transaction, you agree that we are not liable when the third party misuses your information.

Visitor Rights.

  • Right to Remove Consent: If you feel any infringement or a change of mind about personal data extended to a website, you may withdraw based on the provided procedure.
  • Right on Complete Removal of Data: As the owner of personal information, you have the right to request the complete erasure of your data from our database.
  • Right to access your data: Although you can willingly surrender your personal information to our website, you can still request a copy of the Personal Data collected. The move would help you establish if the information in the database did not violate the consent granted.
  • Right of Alteration: The website could collect your wrong or incomplete Personal Data. You can call for correction, especially after discovering the problem during the assessment of Personal Data.
  • Right to Information: The website understands you may wonder how we collect and use your data. This Privacy Policy passed you through these major processes. However, you still have the right to seek additional clarity. Since the website may deal with your Personal Data, getting the correct information about the full process would be prudent.

Changes to the Privacy Policy.

We may change some of the segments of this Privacy Policy in the future. Some of the changes could be minor or major. Your visitation to our website and lack of objection to the policy changes mean you agree with them.


For any questions or comments regarding the privacy policy, feel free to get in touch through the email